Contaminant-free compressed air & challenges of lower life cycle cost in operations
On a recent visit to one of the production sites of a major global drinks manufacturer, I was taken aback to learn of the complexity and seriousness of their approach to ensuring oil-free air.
Mr. Rajesh Premchandran’s email interview with Mr. Shipranshu Pandey
ELGi’s aspiration to become no. 2 in the global air compressor business led to us building our own technology, infrastructure, people and processes to achieve long term goals. Today, ELGi is possibly the only company in the world that makes its own air ends, pressure vessels, castings, motors, conducting complete machining and compressor assembly.
Elgi sees faster recovery in firm’s markets
Air compressor manufacturer Elgi Equipments expects domestic and international markets to have equal contribution to its business in the second half of the financial year.
Addressing fourth utility of pharma installations
For a pharmaceutical manufacturing plant, compressed air is one of the utilities of absolute priority
Building Gender Diversity in Manufacturing
RJ: From a small reciprocating air compressor manufacturer in the 1960s, today, ELGi is a global player in the compressed air market. At ELGi, our aspiration is christened «Conquer K-2 (CK2)» – detailing our aspiration to be no. 2 in the Global Air Compressor Market by 2027.
Technology Has A Profound Capability To Solve Environmental Issues And Build A Sustainable Future
In an interview with BW Businessworld, Jairam Varadaraj, Managing Director, Elgi Equipments talk about technology, sustainability standards and environment.
What does it take for an Indian company to succeed in the global market
Building quality into products and services to the standard that is required to win in global markets, cannot be achieved with transactional management of quality using proven quality tools
Manufacturing 5.0 Initiatives Quality & Flexibility at ELGi
The definition of Manufacturing 5.0 using Manufacturing 4.0 as a starting point is the re-introduction of the human touch to highly automated and data-driven processes. This might be hard to imagine, as it conjures up scenes of Boston Dynamics type robots taking over production lines overseen by their human managers.
A quick handbook of ensuring employee safety norms in the manufacturing industry
The COVID-19 pandemic has brought with it unprecedented human challenges across the world. Organisations have had to rise to the occasion and act swiftly to migrate to new ways of working while safeguarding their employees.
Business plans based on trust and commercial collaboration are key to success
Victor Escolano, Regional Manager Spain & Portugal: “Business plans based on trust and commercial collaboration are key to success.”