Cover story on women achievers in the engineering world: Featuring Anya Geraldine D’Souza
Anya Geraldine D’Souza, General Manager, Global Marketing, Elgi Equipments, shares insights on her professional journey and experiences with the Engineering Review for their cover story on women achievers in the engineering industry.
Controlling the production helps control its impact on the environment
Says Anvar Jay Varadaraj, Executive Director, ELGi Equipments, one of the global leaders in providing sustainable compressed air solutions, in this tête-à-tête with Juili Eklahare
Elgi lot more optimistic about strategic growth objectives
Coimbatore headquartered ₹1,924 crore Elgi Equipments, one of the largest manufacturers of air compressors, expects better growth in international markets in coming months, while the Indian market is expected to present incremental growth.
Differentiating through design: How user experience design can help organizations innovate
The middle years of the 18th century brought us to the beginning of the Industrial Revolution; the remnants of the same are the old defunct textile factories dotting our cities.
Elgi Equipments ready to tap opportunities in emerging sectors
ELGi Equipments was founded as a reciprocating air compressor and garage equipment manufacturing company in 1960. Over the years, ELGi has transformed into a global air compressor manufacturer with a broad line of innovative and technologically superior compressed air systems that are considered among the highest in energy efficiency in the market.
Customer And Employee Centricity Is Our Focus As We Navigate The Challenging And Uncertain Period
ELGi Equipments was founded as a reciprocating air compressor and garage equipment manufacturing company in 1960. Over the years, ELGi has transformed into a global air compressor manufacturer with a broad line of innovative and technologically superior compressed air systems that are considered among the highest in energy efficiency in the market.
On a mission to encourage women pursue their dreams
Zara Rutherford, a 19-year-old Belgian-British teenager landed in Coimbatore on Thursday as part of her journey, flying solo, across 52 countries to motivate and encourage women to pursue their dreams in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics).
Building Talented Leaders for the Future
Why it is important for young leaders to understand both old ways and new ways of running a global company.
We Should Think Less Of Technology And More Of Talent
Elgi Equipments Limited is a global air compressor manufacturer with a broad line of innovative and technologically superior compressed air systems.
Mental Health through the Pandemic and Beyond: A Manufacturing View
While the high levels of mental health issues within the manufacturing industry are indeed overwhelming, there is still hope.