The Critical Role of Compressed Air Quality in the Pharmaceutical Industry
The global pharmaceutical sector is renowned for its stringent regulations and high standards. Every pharmaceutical company adheres to strict guidelines, such as Good Manufacturing
Practice (GMP), the European Pharmacopoeia, Food and Drug Administration (FDA), or International Council for Harmonization of Technical Requirements for Pharmaceuticals for Human
Use (ICH).

Air compressor maker Elgi Equipments seeks $450 mn revenue by FY26
In pursuing sustainable energy solutions and reducing carbon emissions, the focus on renewable and alternative fuels has gained significant momentum.

Compressed Biogas: A Clean Energy Solution
In pursuing sustainable energy solutions and reducing carbon emissions, the focus on renewable and alternative fuels has gained significant momentum.

ElGi Equipments’ CFO stresses on tech democratisation for digital transformation in air compressor industry
The company created a digital as a function and is onboarding data scientists while strengthening IT infrastructure maintenance to support the digitalisation efforts.

All-Women Factory Lines Emerge in India
India’s government has been pushing for a program called “Make in India” to support local manufacturing. Now, some companies are going further to “make in India” solely with women.

Navigating the Air Compressor Landscape in Construction: Which One Fits Your Needs?
The construction industry is a behemoth in the global economy, with approximately $10 trillion spent on construction-related goods and services each year. In India, the construction sector is expected to reach $1.4 trillion by 2025, driven by increased capital investment and urban infrastructure development plans.

Powering Sustainability
Renewable energy allows manufacturing companies to address climate change, achieve cost savings, enhance energy security, comply with regulations, drive innovation and demonstrate corporate social responsibility.

ELGi air compressors meet the industry benchmark for noise levels
Construction equipment operators consider several essential factors to ensure they select the right equipment for their specific needs. These factors include performance and efficiency, productivity, portability, power source, airflow and pressure, durability, noise level, maintenance and serviceability, and safety features.

Elgi Equipments revises FY26 revenue target upwards based on FY23 show
The company reviews its revenue, EBITDA and ROCE targets under SBP FY26 every year based on prior results and macroeconomic conditions

Since its inception in 1960, ELGi has adopted innovation as a critical differentiator, keeping pace with global compressor technology trends and evolving customer needs. This approach has primarily contributed to “what we are” and “where we are” today.