Sustainability lies at the core of ELGi’s business. Whether it is developing energy-efficient products or creating eco-friendly green hubs for workspaces, sustainability is integral to the corporate identity and is actively advocated by employees.
This is why, to honor the 50th Anniversary of World Earth Day on 22nd April 2020, ELGi launched the ‘Steps For Change’ program, a purpose-driven engagement activity. Through the initiative, employees across the globe were encouraged to take small, yet significant measures and make a difference in the environment.
There is a famous quote - “You cannot get through a single day without having an impact on the world around you. What you do makes a difference and you have to decide what kind of a difference you want to make.” - Jane Goodall
Earth is our only home, and it is our responsibility to care for it. On World Environment Day 2022, ELGi's Green Champions prove that conscious living doesn't have to be complicated. Here are some impactful steps for change ELGi employees have implemented into their lives to make a positive change for our planet!
Click here to check out initiatives by our Green Champions.
Taking our philosophy forward, on the 50th anniversary of World Earth Day, 2020 we introduced the ELGi ‘Steps for Change’ program to encourage each of our employees to take environmental action and be socially responsible. With this purpose-driven program, every ELGi employee across the globe committed to undertaking a small but significant environment-friendly initiative that in turn positively impacted our environment and minimized our carbon footprint across the world. The program has seen our employees explore emission-reducing lifestyle changes, plastic pollution action, university and school teaching, tree planting, local clean-ups or even switching to a more plant-based diet, all of this resulting in a positive impact on the environment while ensuring we collectively do our bit to reduce our carbon footprint across the world.
I moved my work desk to a place closer to the window which has natural light. With this small change, I can save up to 55.5 kg of CO2 emission annually (calculation derived from when not using a 36 watts LED for 5 hours in a day). I am taking small steps toward change!
Jai Prakash Barick – Marketing Manager, ELGi ISSAME
We capture rainwater in a 75-gallon rain barrel to use for watering our flowers and vegetable garden. At about 75 gallons a week, we save 3900 gallons of water a year and our plants are bountiful.
Tony Armeni – Chief Human Resources Officer, ELGi USA
I do not turn on lights after sunset. I do my chores with a zero-watt red bulb lightroom or a table lamp lightroom when required. This not only helps in maintaining the natural circadian rhythms of my body but also helps in conserving energy and thereby reducing the carbon footprint. I love to do my bit.
Manoj Mangam – Senior Engineer- Technology, ELGi India
I’ve tried to implement resource-saving methods into everything I do. I moved to LED lighting for lower electricity consumption, recycling and composting, and organic fertilizers for the garden. Making a few changes to the little things that we do every day, will contribute in a big way towards the benefit of the environment.
Andy Hawkins - Customer Service/Inside Sales Pattons - USA
I have eliminated all single-serve products from my daily routine. By following a “reduce-reuse-recycle” mantra, we can reduce packaging waste and its effect on the environment.
Michela Morando – Rotair, Italy, Europe
It is up to every one of us to Restore Our Earth, not just because we care about the natural world, but because we live on it. We all need a healthy Earth to support our jobs, livelihoods, health & survival, and happiness. Most of us work to preserve the value of the things we own. And ensuring the ownership of sustainability issues lies with each of us, is key to preventing the feeling that 'this is someone else's problem to manage. We're proud of all our employees who have taken small actions, resulting in small differences. But when clubbed together all of these will lead to big differences – engaged teams who care about the future and are committed to doing what it takes to ensure a healthier planet.