Manufacturing 5.0 Initiatives Quality & Flexibility at ELGi
The definition of Manufacturing 5.0 using Manufacturing 4.0 as a starting point is the re-introduction of the human touch to highly automated and data-driven processes. This might be hard to imagine, as it conjures up scenes of Boston Dynamics type robots taking over production lines overseen by their human managers.

A quick handbook of ensuring employee safety norms in the manufacturing industry
The COVID-19 pandemic has brought with it unprecedented human challenges across the world. Organisations have had to rise to the occasion and act swiftly to migrate to new ways of working while safeguarding their employees.

Businesses may not go back to earlier days in a hurry, says Elgi Equipments MD Jairam Varadaraj
While stating that “staying at home for weeks in a row – trying to explore business opportunities, ways and things to do” was certainly not what he is used to, Jairam Varadaraj, Managing Director, Elgi Equipments, said “The whole situation seems like a science fiction, a thriller based on a pandemic. It has shaken the confidence of the people at an individual level. It could therefore, take a while to recover.”

ELGi expands their European footprint
New European management team, an expanding Sales Team, and a larger product portfolio. These are three of the factors that are going to reshape the European compressed air market. We are talking about ELGi Compressors, whose production represents an incessant and creative commitment to reach the best standards in terms of performance, reliability and sustainability.

Energy efficiency will be the driving force in the future: Rajesh Premchandran
The key applications of portable air compressors are in jack hammer drill, crawler drill, hydraulic crawler drill, micro piling, anchoring, sand and shot blasting, shortcreting, blast hole drilling, exploratory drilling, coal and marble mining, stone mining, pigging, pipeline laying, cable laying and solar panel installation.

Safety is the priority
R. Jayakanthan, Director – People, Systems & Strategy, Elgi Equipments shares the steps that the company is taking towards maintaining safety standards.

#Eachforequal – India needs more women in the manufacturing industry
Women represent one of the largest pools of untapped talent for manufacturers, and closing manufacturing’s gender gap is key to businesses’ ability to evolve and expand.

ELGi’s march towards Global Leadership in Compressor Technology
ELGi Equipments Limited is a leading air compressor Technology & manufacturer with a broad line of innovative and technologically superior compressed air systems. ELGi has earned worldwide distinction for designing sustainable solutions that help companies achieve their productivity goals with low ownership costs. The company has ambitious growth plans to realize its global aspirations, discovers P.K Balasubbramaniian in an interview with Dr. Jairam Varadaraj, Managing Director, ELGi. Excerpts:

Predictive maintenance support is a significant step to be more customer-centric
At ELGi, our definition of Always Better is closely coupled with us always being the customer’s choice. And our 400+ product range bears testament to this; for example, the lubricated screw [ELGi Global (EG) series and Encapsulated (EN) Series] and oil free screw air compressors are highly reliable, energy efficient and operate at low energy costs.

Our vision of ‘Always Better’ goes beyond traditional thinking
With business in more than 120 countries and direct presence in 28 countries, Elgi Equipments is consolidating its presence in global market with innovative products and services. Rajesh Premchandran, Director (India, South Asia, Africa and Middle-East), Elgi Equipments, shares more on the company’s plans and the market outlook.